At SKAINR, we specialize in delivering comprehensive implementation services for industry-leading automation technologies, including Tungsten Automation ( formerly Kofax ), OpenText Intelligent Capture ( formerly Captiva ), and Automation Anywhere 360.
Our expertise in these powerful platforms enables us to streamline your business processes, enhance operational efficiency, and drive sustainable growth.

Our Background

Transforming Document Management

Since 2019

SKAINR Technology Solution

Efficiency, Accuracy, Productivity

2019 - Present

a train yard with cargo containers and train tracks
a train yard with cargo containers and train tracks
worm's eye-view photography of ceiling
worm's eye-view photography of ceiling

Expertise Across Multiple Domains

At SKAINR, we specialize in providing top-notch implementation services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses across various industries. With a team of seasoned professionals who bring extensive experience from diverse sectors, we are committed to delivering solutions that drive efficiency, innovation, and success.

person holding white iphone 5 c
person holding white iphone 5 c

Our experts have a deep understanding of the banking sector, enabling us to streamline processes, enhance security, and implement robust financial systems. We help banks navigate regulatory changes, improve customer experiences, and leverage the latest technologies for competitive advantage.

a magnifying glass sitting on top of a piece of paper
a magnifying glass sitting on top of a piece of paper

In the dynamic world of insurance, we provide tailored solutions that improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. From policy management systems to claims processing, our team delivers projects that enhance accuracy and speed, ensuring a seamless experience for all stakeholders.

person holding black and white microscope
person holding black and white microscope

Our experts experience in the life sciences sector includes implementing systems for research and development, regulatory compliance, and clinical trials management. We help organizations accelerate innovation, improve data accuracy, and maintain compliance with stringent industry standards.

Life Science
pile of printing papers
pile of printing papers
Mailroom Automation

Transform your mailroom operations with our automation solutions. We provide end-to-end implementations that streamline mail handling, improve document management, and enhance security. Our solutions ensure that your mailroom runs smoothly and efficiently.

Our Projects
four people watching on white MacBook on top of glass-top table
four people watching on white MacBook on top of glass-top table

SKAINR Projects

Discover some of the innovative projects we've worked on to enhance document management processes for businesses.

black and blue audio mixer
black and blue audio mixer
Automation Solutions

Explore how our automation solutions have revolutionized document management for businesses across industries.

gigantic machine sketch
gigantic machine sketch
Machine Learning Applications

Learn about the transformative impact of machine learning applications on businesses' document management processes.

Civil rights march on Washington, D.C
Civil rights march on Washington, D.C
AI Integration

Find out how our AI integration services have optimized document management workflows for improved efficiency and productivity.

Contact Us

Contact us now for a consultation
